Community Building

Originally built in the 1960s as a youth center, the Community Building is our largest building for events.13029712 10153809101158813_8069497434188480345_o


A thorough renovation was completed in 2015. The hall includes a non-commercial kitchen, as well as an ADA-compliant bathroom with baby-changing table.  On the right, it is set up for a large birthday party.


The space is a large, open hall that can seat up to 100 people, depending on the event and seating arrangement. The floor, originally reinforced for basketball, is suitable for dances as well as other events and art exhibits. It has one handicapped-accessible restroom. If you wish to serve beer and wine, please ask the rental agent below for the policy on that.


Information on renting the hall is listed on the document links below.  These are .PDF files which you are welcome to print.


Karin Womer: phone: 763-4782 (eves.); 230-4086 (cell)


mail: 380 Masalin Rd., Lincolnville ME 04849

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CB Fact Sheet_rev 0523.pdf

CommBldg Floor Plan.pdf

At right, the Community Building at Strawberry

Festival time.

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Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community